Frequently Asked Questions


Where can I find a list of General Education courses?

The complete list of the General Education courses identified with cohesive clusters is available here:

Note: Not all courses are offered each semester. Italicized courses are courses offered within a major with a limited number of General Education seats for non-majors.

Can I apply a course in my major to form a General Education cluster?

No. Courses in your major cannot be used to satisfy General Education requirements. General Education courses are meant to broaden and expand your knowledge beyond the knowledge you get from your major. If you are not sure if a course is in your major, check with your program chair or a General Education advisor.

Can I apply one course to form more than one cluster?

No. Each course can only be applied to one cluster. You choose how to apply the course.

How do I find out more information about a course?

Course descriptions including any prerequisites can be found in the AUA Catalog at

Where can I find more information about General Education requirements?

Information about General Education requirements is available on the General Education webpage at

How do I know if I completed my General Education requirements?

First, review the General Education requirements Then, review the courses you have completed at Lastly, fill out General Education Planning Form to help you compare your completed courses with the required courses.


Do I have to take Physical Education courses?

Yes. Students are required to complete four (4) semesters of Physical Education in the freshman and sophomore years. For more information about these requirements go to

Do I have to take First Aid and Civil Defense?

Yes. All students must complete one course each in First Aid and Civil Defense by the end of their first year. These two courses are self-paced online courses. Freshman students, and any other student who has not completed these two courses, should register for the courses in during registration.

Who is exempt from First Aid and Civil Defense?

Students who have completed military service are exempt from First Aid and Civil Defense.

Note: Students who participate in Pativ Unem are not exempt from First Aid and Civil Defense.

Who is exempt from Physical Education?

Students who have a medical or health condition that prohibits them from participating in Physical Education courses may be exempt from Physical Education. A medical document should be submitted directly and only to the AUA Health Clinic at [email protected]. The Health Clinic will review the document and appropriately notify the student, the Office of the Registrar, and the Physical Education Coordinator.

Whom should I contact if I have questions related to Physical Education, First Aid or Civil Defense?

For Physical Education, First Aid or Civil Defense related questions contact the Physical Education Coordinator at [email protected].


What do I do if the class I need is full?

If the class you need is full, choose and register for an alternative courses.

Can I swap a class with a friend?

No. Swapping doesn’t work.

Can a seat in the course/section I want be added just for me?

No. Class capacity is predetermined to best meet the learning needs.

Can the instructor add a seat?

No. Instructors cannot add a seat.  Class capacity is predetermined to best meet the learning needs.

What do I do if I have not yet registered for a full load and there is no room in classes?

If you are not able to complete registration by two working days before classes start, send an email to [email protected] (for general education courses) or contact your program chair for courses in your major

How do I register for a sixth course?

Students can register electronically for a sixth course. However, during the initial registration period students can only register for 16 credits. Once all students have had a chance to register, students will have an opportunity to register for up to 18 credits.

Students who wish to register for more than 18 credits must receive the approval of their program chair.

What is the add/drop period?

The add/drop period is a time to remedy schedule problems and drop courses without receiving a W on your transcript. The add/drop period is not a time to begin the registration process.  Adding a course during the add/drop period is dependent on space availability. For dates see


Is it mandatory to submit a medical document?

Yes. All freshman and sophomore students must submit a medical document by August 15 of each academic year.  In addition, any other student who registers for Physical Education must submit a medical document before the start of the semester in which the student takes Physical Education.  Medical documents should be submitted directly and only to [email protected].


What is a minor at AUA?

A minor is a set of thematically related courses intended to broaden and complement a student’s learning and experience.

Is a minor required?

No. Minors are optional.

Does a minor appear on the diploma?

A minor does not appear on the diploma, but is documented on the student’s transcript.

What minors are offered at AUA?

Currently, AUA offers the following minors: Environmental Studies; Genocide Studies and Human Rights; Gender Studies; Philosophy; and Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. For more information about minors visit

What do I do if I want to pursue a minor?

Review the requirements for completing a minor at  Take one of the courses required in the minor, in order to determine your interest. Complete the Form to Declare Intent to Pursue a Minor and submit it to the Office of the Registrar. And, then continue to take the remaining courses to complete the minor.


What do I do if I need assistance with technology?

If you are experiencing technical difficulties, email the AUA Information & Communication Technologies Services (ICST) at [email protected]

What do I do if I need assistance with Moodle?

If you need assistance with Moodle, review the Moodle Student Guide created by the AUA AGBU Papazian Library available at You can also contact an AUA Librarian at [email protected].

Where can I find my instructors’ contact information?

Contact information for all AUA faculty and staff is available on the University directory located at the bottom of AUA’s front webpage or directly at

Who can I contact for more information about General Education?

For more information about General Education, contact a General Education Advisor at [email protected].